Adventures in the Metaverse

As my research interest in the educational prospects of the metaverse grows, I’m interested to explore new and innovative ways that users are engaging with VR/AR to think education differently. So far, on the contrary, most mainstream education platforms in metaversal spaces are conservative in their reproduction of very traditional educational spaces, like the schoolContinue reading “Adventures in the Metaverse”

Call for Papers: RAI Anthropology and Education conference, June 2024

Hi folks, here’s a link to the panel on the metaverse/AR/VR and education at the upcoming RAI conference on Anthropology and Education. Please come and join us! Click here to submit a paper by 13th Jan! Short Abstract: This panel will explore the emerging educational provocations of virtual reality/augmented reality platforms in the wider contextContinue reading “Call for Papers: RAI Anthropology and Education conference, June 2024”