Brookes in the Bronx: New York City Winter

Welcome to the Winter Installment of Brookes in the Bronx! There have been a lot of changes in New York City since the trees became bare in late November, and winter started to creep across the city. Until the heating was finally turned on on the 1st December, we froze for a few days inContinue reading “Brookes in the Bronx: New York City Winter”

Brookes in the Bronx: On Quantum Personhood

The winter months in NYC have been packed with moments for reflection on new ideas emerging in my research about aspiration and imagined futures. The next entry will be more about the details of what’s been happening recently – but for now I thought I’d share some thoughts about a nascent concept that I’ve beenContinue reading “Brookes in the Bronx: On Quantum Personhood”